A memory lane of Emirates life, upholding the history and culture Dubai Puzha reflects the struggles of migrants to accommodate themselves in an alien soil. Krishnadas focuses on the Malayali diaspora, who where the boat people or the refugees of the seventies and the theme has now a universal relevance. Walking down the memory lane spanning three decades of stay, author presents a collage of real, ordinary people who find themselves in not so ordinary circumstances in the Gulf countries. Events such as the dissolution of Trucial States, communist upheaval in Yemen, the formation of UAE, the Iran-Iraq war, the urbanization of UAE, Iraq’s high-handedness on Kuwait, the dissolution of Soviet Union and the Palestine conflict become not geopolitical markers of time but changemakers which influence the social fabric of migrants. Nostalgia for homeland runs as a strong undercurrent throughout the narration. Extracts from the pre-Islamic and post modern Arabic poems open a window to peep into the Arabian culture- a way of life as it was and as it is, add to the literary beauty of this book
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