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Rakthasakshikal Urangunnidam

Rakthasakshikal Urangunnidam

രക്തസാക്ഷികള്‍ ഉറങ്ങുന്നിടം സയണിസവും ഫലസ്തീന്‍ വംശഹത്യയും: ഒരു പഠനം മുഹമ്മദ് ശമീം സമകാലിക ലോകത്തെ ഏറ്റവും ഭീകരമായ വംശീയ ദേശീയതയായ സയണിസത്തെയും അതിനെതിരെ ചരിത്രപരമായ ചെറുത്തുനില്‍പ്പ് നടത്തുന്ന…
Sahodaran Ayyappan: Towards A Democratic Future Life And Select Works Dr. Ajay Sekhar Sahodaran Ayyappan is making a comeback in…
9/11 The Pretext

9/11 The Pretext

9/11 The Pretext NM Hussain The book '9/11 The Pretext' by N M Hussain is a beginner’s alternative version about…
Islam Between East and West

Islam Between East and West

Islam Between East and West Alija Izet Begovic Examining the historical conflicts between “faith” and “materialism”, the author presents the…
Fat’h Al-Mubin: A Contemporary Account Of The Portuguese Invasion On Malabar In Arabic Verse Qadi Muhammad Manifest Victory. A narrative…
Mappila Muslims Dr. Hussain Randathani A Study on Society and Anti Colonial Struggles Based on widely cited sources both in…
Tahrid: Ahlil Iman Ala Jihadi Abdati Sulban Zainuddin Makhdoom Ahlil Iman Ala Jihidi Abadati Sulban This is arguably the first…
Kerala Muslim History

Kerala Muslim History

Kerala Muslim History: A Revisti Prof. K M Bahauddin Renowned for his accomplishments as a leader of higher education institutions…
Mappila Leader In Exile

Mappila Leader In Exile

Mappila Leader In Exile A Political Biography of Syed Fazal Tangal Roland E Miller K K Muhammed Abdul Sathar A…
Identity Popular Culture & Resistance: Studies on Colonial Malabar OP Mayan Kutty As Malabar has become a significant area of…
A Memorandum for Historians on the Innocence of Ibn Majid Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammed Al Qasimi Many accounts have it…
Origin and Early History of the Muslims of Keralam 700 AD 1600 AD JBP More The book has many issues…

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