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Adab As-Salat

Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹530.00.

Adab As-Salat

Hazrat Imam Khomeini
It is Imam Ayatullah Ruhullah Khomeini’s second title from us. We expect that Adab as-Salat would meekly follow up Jug of Love that we brought out (nine) years ago. The phenomenal life of Imam was such that he drew inspiration for leading people from spiritual sources. This is different from a model of guiding society as we are familiar universally-of ironing out political differences through a liberal equilibrium. Beyond the merits and demerits of the revolution which his philosophy and vision, inter alia, brought about, his writings are still a beacon of enlightenment not only for the people of Iran or those who believe in Twelver Shiism, but for all readers who are attuned to spiritual and mystical discourses

Author: Hazrat Imam Khomeini

Shipping: Free


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