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Adhkiya: Guidance for the Adepts to the way of God’s Friends

Guidance for the
Adepts to the way of God’s Friends

Sheikh Zainuddin Makhdum – 1
Translations: Shameer KS

A 16th Century Treatise on the Mystical Way of Living

Islam in Malabar is a vast subject of study, and this work is truly welcome for scholars needing access to the primary materials. And all readers will benefit from this translation and commentary as they seek to understand this region and the societal and political forces operating here. -Eric Winkel Written by Sheikh Zainuddin Makhdum-I, Hidayat al Adhkiya ila Tariq al Awliya (Guiding the Intelligent ones to the way of God’s friends) is one of the pioneering works in Malabar on Sufism. It is put of the curricula in all Shafi Madrasas in Kerala. Written in the 16th century, the book gives insights into a form of mysticism prevalent in Kerala, which goes in accordance with the shariah framework.

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.

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Author: Zainuddin Makhdoom
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