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History Of Medieval India

History Of Medieval India

Satish Chandra

Satish Chandra’s History of Medieval India, a comprehensive overview of the history of the Indian subcontinent between the eighth and eighteenth century, focuses on

  • The historian of the Chola, Bahmani and Vijayangara Kingdoms
  • The influence exerted by the Surs, Lodis, the Delhi Sultanate, and the Mughals
  • The importance to the Rajput Kings and the Marathas
  • Religious Movements, such as Sufism and the Bhakti movement
  • The Changing political, economic and agrarian scene

Students and scholars of history will find this volume invaluable

Original price was: ₹495.00.Current price is: ₹445.00.

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Author: Satish Chandra


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