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Dr. Abdul Latheef V

Learn English with Assiduous Practice (LEAP) is a distinctive English language learning program graded and designed with a conspicuous focus on the most frequently used vocabulary and structures in day- to-day English. LEAP includes 340 hours of interactive instruction and practice spread across five phases which have tailored modules to ensure learner’s practical mastery of the macro skills of English. The language inputs are introduced through value-rich Islamic anecdotes or moral stories which can act as a catalyst for assiduous practice and meaningful interactions. Each story or handout presents a specific language element or grammatical concept and is followed by tasks or substitution tables which require the learner to think, practice and produce sentences of their own. The methodology of LEAP is rooted in the principle of presenting graded structures, practicing real language and progressing to fluent cum accurate English. This integrated textbook, meant for the second phase, consists of 24 handouts for autonomous practice.


Author: Dr. Abdul Latheef V
Shipping: Free


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